I have highlighted in blue the things I will learn/borrow for my production.
Beyoncé- Broken Hearted Girl
Beyoncé- Broken Hearted Girl
- black and white for the first half of music video
- flashbacks with guy
- shadowing (characters are dark when shot from a distance)
- setting: beach
- lip-synching
- slow motion when walking
- smooth transitioning (fading)
- close-ups
- rewind when ripping flowers apart (nails match flower colour)
- towards the end, colour transitions into normal
- she is seen as a double in one shot (editing)
- eye contact with the camera
- smiles at the end
Jhené Aiko- The Worst
- slow motion talk at the beginning (slurred speech)
- lighting changing from red to blue continually (police)
- lip synching at times
- wine (alcohol) prop
- close up shots of: feet, making a sandwich...
- slurred vision (like slow pace)
- camera spinning slowly
- long shots
- medium shot of her putting on jewellery and make-up (mirror in view)
- upside camera
- fast pace at one point
Ed Sheeran- Give Me Love
- shots zooming in and out
- focusing changes
- high angle shots
- long shots
- low angle shots
- camera moving as she walks
- lighting red & blue (police)
- blurry vision
3) Project schedule: when will you film and edit this production?
Film: Sunday 14th February 2015 & During half-term
Edit: Last few days of half-term as well as the week starting the 22nd of February
4) Treatment
Sepia / black and white edit in the beginning that will transition to normal towards the end?
Scene 1:
A girl walks away from a guy in a upset state
The girl goes home crying and goes into her bedroom and enters into a state of depression and frustration
Everything seems blurry and the camera moves in a way to portray how destroyed the girl is feeling on this inside.
Scene: 2
Girl's friend tries to comfort her and makes her feel better but she still thinks about her past relationship.
She is seen trying to call him and text him but she won't allow herself to which frustrates her too. She is then seen watching TV but her feelings are shown through her facial expressions.
There are a lot of shots of her tearing up and staring into space. There is also a scene where she is seen with alcohol and a glass of wine in her hand but then she refuses to drink anymore
Scene: 3
When the part comes up in the song where the singer is talking, the girl lip synchs and glaces a few times towards the camera.
Scene: 4
The girl goes on a walk on the streets thinking about her life. She then realises she can't just sit and cry all day and puts on make-up, dresses up and does her hair up to make herself feel good and feel confident. She then smiles at herself in the mirror remembering that she is strong and even though she still thinks about him and that it hurts, she will eventually get over it.
5) Storyboard

6) Shot list
Main Girl: Selena
Friend: Aisha
Guy: Bob
of Shot
Extreme close-up
Close up of Selena’s
eye as she looks up and then blinks then looks left (slowly). (before, there
will be a 3 sec scene of her looking up which will be done when editing)
4 secs
Starts from 0:02-0:06
Long shot
Selena is facing Bob
and then turns around and walks passed camera. You can’t see Bob’s face.
(slow mo)
8 secs
Long shot
Selena walking away
from camera
(slow mo)
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena is outside
leaning on a wall, frustrated at what happened, trying not to cry
6 secs
Medium shot
Selena is leaning
against the wall on the bed, mascara running down her face. She is looking
down heaving, but then looks directly at the camera at the very last second
5 secs
Medium shot
Selena is lying on the
bed on her side as the camera pans from her legs to her face.
4 secs
High angle shot
Selena sitting on her
bed arms wrapped around her legs and then leans back
4 secs
Extreme close-up
Selena’s eyes looking
straight forward and then looks down
3 secs
Selena wipes her tears
and mascara off under one eye whilst putting her head down and then she looks
at her hand.
3 secs
Extreme close-up
Selena slowly wipes
off her lipstick using a facial wipe
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena plays with her
whilst staring into space- eyes full with tears.
(Outfit 2 is on)
6 secs
Medium shot
Camera turns to its
side as Selena wipes of her tears using both her hands
6 secs
High angle shot
Selena sitting on the
floor leaning against the wall staring into space
3 secs
Close up
Selena’s feet (she is
wearing socks) walking away from camera. Camera is level with her feet. Scene
then goes blurry and fades out.
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena taking a big
breath in and slowly releasing with facial expressions showing how she feels.
The first few secs will be a repeated shot.
7 secs
Medium shot
Selena walks past a
wall with pictures of her and Bob and she places her hands on them as she
walks by.
3 secs
Medium shot
She rips the pictures
into pieces and then breaks down crying
(edited in reverse?)
11 secs
Medium shot
Aisha comes and gives
Selena a hug
2 secs
Medium shot
Selena pours her heart
out to Aisha who listens. There are tissues surrounding them.
2 secs
Selena has her head on
Aisha’s shoulder. Aisha tries to make her laugh as Selena manages a grin.
3 secs
Medium shot
Selena and Aisha are
holding hands, sitting with their legs crossed on the bed as you see Aisha
mouth the words “Be Strong” and smiles.
3 secs
Medium shot
Aisha gives Selena a
hug and makes her way out and then Selena falls back into a depressive state
7 secs
Low angle tilt
The shot tilits
upwards as Selena picks up and looks at her phone
2 secs
High angle shot
Selena is writing a
text to Bob saying they should sort things out
3 secs
Low angle shot
Selena realises she
shouldn’t and cancels the message while shaking her head
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena drops on the
bed facing the ceiling and looks directly at the camera at the last second
4 secs
Extreme close-up
…of Selena’s eye. It’s
closed then she opens and blinks twice slowly. Same position as last shot
5 secs
Extreme close-up which
zooms out to a medium shot
Selena is now in the
living room, and the shot zooms out from her eye to her staring at the TV
5 secs
Shoulder shot
From her shoulder, we
can see what Selena is watching on TV
3 secs
Medium shot
Selena has her head on
her hand and then looks to left in sadness.
5 secs
Selena’s feet as she
walks towards the kitchen. Camera is level with her feet.
3 secs
Medium shot
Selena drinking an
alcoholic drink. Red wine.
2 secs
Low angle medium shot
Selena tossing the
wine round and round in her glass
3 secs
Selena puts down the
glass of wine on the table
1 sec
Low angle medium shot
Selena puts down the
bottle of wine, shakes her head, makes the hand gesture that drinking isn’t the
answer and walks off.
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena looking at the
camera and looking down at times lip-syncs to the lyrics
7 secs
Selena looking down
with tears rolling down her eyes
5 secs
Medium shot
Same as shot 36
10 secs
Medium shot
Selena grabs her
3 secs
Medium shot
Selena is pulling up
her jeans
(Outfit 3 is on)
3 secs
Long shot
Selena walks out of
her house
4 secs
Medium shot
Selena is sitting on a
wall looking at the cars, she turns her to look right
5 secs
Medium shot
Same as 36 & 38
but the shot fades out at the end
5 secs
Low angle shot
You see Selena walking
towards the camera and steps over it. Blurry vision in the first few secs
then it becomes clear
7 sec
High angle shot
Selena runs up the
stairs towards the camera. Will be edited to make it look like she is running
2 secs
Low angle shot
Selena is running up
the stairs away from the camera. Once again edited to look faster
2 secs
High angle shot
(continue onto shot 49
when filming)
Selena plumps down on
her bed and then looks behind her to her make up table
3 secs
Close-up pan
Camera shows her
makeup on the table
2 secs
High angle shot
Selena looks away from
table and thinks whether she should wear make-up.
4 secs
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena applies lipstick to her lips (Outfit 4 is on)
2 secs
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena applies mascara
1 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena applies powder/blush with a brush
1 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena puts on her earrings
3 secs
Low angle tilt
From her legs to her
head to show what she is wearing
4 secs
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena pouts at herself
1 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena as she smiles at herself
1 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena sticks her tongue out at herself
1 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena laughs at herself
3 sec
Medium shot
Mirror is in view as
Selena fixes her hair
5 secs
Low angle long shot
You can selena taking
a selfie and then laughs. Vision is a bit blurry
3 secs
Medium shot
Selena takes a selfie
2 secs
Selena puts on her
heels and stands up
4 secs
High angle shot
Selena plumps back on
to her bed smiling but then it fades away as she smiles again. Shot fades
13 secs
7) Mise-en-scene:
Casting details:
main character-girl from outside school
friend- Me
guy- boy from outside school
Location scouting with photographs:
My room, outside my house and Yeading area
make-up, jewellery, heels, phone, bottle & glass of wine,
Costume and make-up:
first costume: jacket and jeans with mascara running down her face. Full face make-up on
second costume: more of a comfortable outfit; big jumper, dark jeans or tracksuit bottoms with hardly any make up on
third costume: Jacket and jeans with hardly any make-up
fourth costume: dress or skirt and top with full face make-up on (Party look)
high-key lighting used throughout apart from the very first few seconds of the music video when she walks away from the guy as it will be filmed when dark
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